Songwriting | Licensing | Production

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-Shagg Music's Official Website

This site is under construction… However, I've broken a “RULE”, and there are a few demos and songs in progress that I have uploaded, mainly for the purpose of being to access them from anywhere so I can work on ideas. But these will definitely be taken down shortly when this batch of songs is completed. If you came here for licensing or publishing purposes, you can contact me at the email below for more details.

>>The "Site Wide Player" at the bottom of the page, allows you to listen to music and browse the site without stopping the music.

>You can contact me at:

Have a great day, and Thanks for stopping by.

Writing and Recording...


The Album "Songs for the Apocalypse: VOLUMES 1-4" is on hold for now. But at some point in the near future, it WILL see the light of day. More than likely it will be Summer of 2024.

I’m starting out with a fresh look at songwriting and production. These songs are the beginning of that. These raw, unfinished, unmixed songs are the foundation of what is to come. I’m in love with music again.

*Photo Courtesy of Grace Rivera

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